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  1. Philip Edwards on February 23, 2009 at 9:22 pm

    Hi Folks just found this site due to the fact i played drums in The Lonelyhearts.

    I also playe in other sydney bands and would love to have that info on your site.

    let me know if you want me to contributre

  2. Ken Swarbrick (Kenny Q for most) on March 9, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    Interesting view point from a musos pespective. I worked on another angle for most acts in the late 80’s early 90’s in qld and WA. Lucky me.

    The bands that were traversing the country in those days were all successful. It wasnt about the gear, the gig or the fu]][ng drinks tray it was about what this band this time was about to pump out to the world.

    Would love to hear from you all about those “house on the hill days” and the value that caberet’s brought to our lives in thise days. it is a fruitful jouney i’m sure. worthy of exploration.


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