Pat Pickett’s Funeral

A lot of people have been asking about Pat Pickett’s funeral so I thought I’d pass on the details here I received from Greg Clarke.

On behalf of Pam Pickett, and for immediate circulation please.

Our beloved mate Pat Pickett has passed on after a brief illness than none of us, including Pat expected. Pat is an icon of the Australian music industry, and had history with AC/DC, Midnight Oil, The Models, Spy vs Spy, and The Screaming Jets, among many many other bands, and in many roles such as FOH and monitor sound engineer, system engineer, production manager, stage manager, truck driver. Originally Pat was from Melbourne, and in more recent years he was based in Sydney. You name it Pat did it, and in inimitable style. He took young bands and crew under his wing, and he showed them the ropes so they would never forget him.

Let’s remember Pat at his memorial service, which will be held at the South Chapel Rookwood on Tuesday the 7th of December at 10:30am.
Rookwood Memorial Gardens and Crematorium
Memorial Avenue
Rookwood Necropolis
Phone 02 9746 8945

Despite the fact that Pat had a terminal illness, he was completely independent and working right up to the week before he died. His rent was paid up in advance, but unfortunatley Support Act have been unable to help out as they don’t cover funerals.
A bank account has been set up for those able to contribute to the funeral expenses. We are aiming to raise at least ten thousand dollars. Any amount remaining after all the expenses are met will be given to Pat’s family. The banking details are as follows:

Pat Funeral Fund
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 064121
Account 10245472

Any queries regarding this can be directed to myself at or Geoff McGowan at

Thank you and peace to all.
Greg Clarke


  1. Dominic Barbuto on December 6, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    Rest in peace Pat, we shared some great times together over the last 35 years, even though I hadn’t seen you over the past 10 years…where did the time go?
    You’ll be sent off in fine form tomorrow…We’ll lift our collective glasses to you at the Debonairs lunch tomorrow in Melbourne and pass the hat around and see if we can raise some money towards your funeral.
    You’re in our thoughts….

  2. Support Act Limited — Australian Music History on December 7, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    […] proper and another 100 turning up after lunch for Xmas drinks. A few of the gang are going up for Pat Pickett’s funeral tomorrow and we’re passing round the hat during lunch to help raise some money for […]

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