The Angels Revesby Workers Club 24th Feb 2012

The Angels have been one of my all-time favourite Australian bands for as long as I can remember. As I’ve mentioned previously I first saw them at all all-age gig at Cabramatta Town hall in 1978 when I was all of 15 or 16. Many years down the track I’ve had the honour of doing sound for them half a dozen or so times which has been incredible. Being behind the mixing desk makes it hard to get good photographs of the band but on the night these were taken I was doing sound for the support band Black Label. This gave me the opportunity to get the camera out.
It was Revesby Workers Club on the 24th of February 2012 and the room had a brand spanking new PA system. We were the first ones to christen it and it didn’t disappoint!
You will notice that Chris Bailey was playing bass and that Sam Brewster played the guitar on a few songs. Given that Chris has now sadly passed and that Sam is now the bass player, I think these shots with them both on stage are pretty unique. It was a packed house that night and, as usual, the crowd went off and, while I love the chance to do their sound from time to time, it’s also nice to be able to hit the stage with a camera in hand. I hope you enjoy the shots from that night.
just a cover band without Doc Neeson