David Barsley’s Narara 1983 Photo’s

The Narara 1983 and Narara 1984 concerts have been the subject some of the most popular articles ever published on this site. The amount of incredibly valuable comments speak for themselves. Every now & then I get an email from someone who has stumbled upon the site and has some genuine Aussie Rock Memorabilia in their possession.
The latest batch have come from David Barsley, to whom I’m very grateful.
He only sent a few words but the images speak for themselves:
Hi, my memory of 83 was great, amazed at the amount of people that
arrived on the first day & how quick the tents were put up & then there were
the mud people.
Don’t forget to leave David a thankyou in the comments and if you have some gems like this hidden away in your photo album then please do what David did, scan them & send them right over!
I remember people with trays full of stuff, walking around saying, “Hash, trips, foils!”
Whata weekend.. 84 a washout but memorable event
The 80’s big day out
Just wondering if anyone was going to do a page on the “Tanelorn” festival??? It would be great to see some pix anyone may have laying around. I had a camera at the time, with what I’m certain would’ve contained some good close stage shots, but some scum bag stole it while the storm was happening, so obviously I have none. Photos of the shirts would also be good. My wife and I each had one, but moving around over the years, we’ve lost track of where they’d be. So anything at all about this festival would be great to see. I have noticed in the Narara ’83 & ’84 sections, quite a few people do mention that they attended Tanelorn, but I thought a page of it’s own would be fantastic. So all you folks that were at this event, please if you would, contribute any info, photos, or stories you may have and please send them in. I still can’t believe there’s next to nothing about it on the internet. A great piece of Aussie Rock history and no-one has covered it. A real shame.
I went to Tanelorn..Quite a festival..Our truck accident cancelled the opening night road when 15 of us fell off the back of a flat bed truck and rolled down an embankment,, The stories I Know form that place..
So cool – Arrived in the Hillman Hunter with friends in tow, pitched the tent . Remember the bitch fight over Pretenders and Divinyls LOL, Talking Heads, QED, Def Leppard, INXS, the mighty angels in their hey day etc. The dam , too much tequila and dodgy takeaways . managed to dodge the mud, plastic ponchos – Great memories
Tanelorn was the most awesome concert ever .
There was a tent selling acid ,they even had a sign on it !
The bands were the best of the best !
I’ll dig out some photos some time !??
Went to both of these and snuck backstage..
Tanerlon wow the bikies took over the Stroud Hotel…Midnight Oil’s Peter Garrett jumped off the speakers and nearly broke his legs….Chisel were amazing .. herbal tea nude swimming…..one of a kind the Ozzie Woodstock
The only pictures I have are in my mind. I was visiting Australia from Wales that year, I clearly remember the beer shack bar (Where I witnessed a guy rip-off a 20 litre box of white wine) he wasn’t hard to spot in the crowd though, wobbling about with a huge silver-foil bag of white wine slung over his shoulder!
The ‘mud men’ you see in the pictures toured the site and mingled in the crowd, I was proud to be one of them! I remember wallowing in a hole of thick mud. A professional photographer snapped a few shots of myself and a couple of mates caked in fresh mud. I know that image ended up on the front page of an Australian newspaper, but I never got hold of a copy. If anyone has it, or tracks down a shot of 3 or 4 ‘mud men’ wallowing in a jacuzzi sized pit of mud? Man…..I’d love to see it!
What a gig!
I was the publicist for both Narara festivals – must go through all my photos and post them up.
Hi there Dianna
We are producing a show on the Angels for the ABC and would love hear about the pics you may have from the Nanara Festivals. If you can send me an email, that would be great.
Thank you
Please can you call us about accessing some of the Narrara pics for a TV show. Thank you
Some pics I dug up of the Narara 83 concert but not sure how to post them to this page. I tells stories of the day to my sons but they don’t seem to believe me how loose it was back then.