Jimmy And The Boys

jimmy and the boys

About Jimmy And The Boys

Sydney-based band. 1976-1982

“Outrageous and often obscene shock/horror group led by Ignatious Jones, who pioneered the use of theatrical trappings for Australian bands.”

From the Who’s Who of Australian Rock


“Jimmy and the Boys were an Australian New Wave band, active from 1975 to 1982, best known for their incredibly violent stage shows. The act revolved around vocalist Ignatius Jones and keyboard player Joylene Hairmouth – a couple of friends from Cranbrook and Riverview, exclusive private schools. Since 1976 the duo had been surrounded by various combinations of backing musicians, the constant guts and gore probably accounting for at least some of the member turnover. Their performance, their visual image, their on and offstage behaviour were all carefully designed to elicit the maximum level of shocked outrage from a public long since bored with the standard media fare of moral decadence. Sadomasochism, transvestitism, self-mutilation, drug abuse, inebriation, simulated sex and mock rape all took starring roles in Jimmy And The Boys’ blisteringly paced tribute to cultural degeneracy. The band was known for often causing audience riots in the more homophobic venues they played.”

From Wikipedia


  • Ignatius Jones – Vocals
  • William O’Riordan aka Joylene Thornbird Hairmouth – Keyboards
  • Scott Johnson – Drums
  • Michael Vidale – Bass
  • Stephen Hall – Lead Guitar
  • Rick Sutton – Guitar
  • Joseph Attullah aka Joe P. Rick – Guitar
  • Danny Damjanovic – Sax, Flute
  • Barry Lytten – Drums
  • Michael Parks – Bass, Guitar



  • Not Like Everybody Else – 1979
  • Teddy Boys Picnic – 1981
  • In Hell With Your Mother – 1982
  • Out Of Phase – 1988

Known Gigs

Date City Venue
20/07/79 Manly Flicks
30/07/79 Wollongong Mt Pleasant Sports Club
06/10/79 Sydney Capitol Theatre
03/12/79 Rydalmere Family Inn
+ The Lonely Hearts
16/12/79 Granville (NSW) Granville Showground
23/04/80 Blacktown Comb And Cutter Hotel
06/06/80 Manly Vale Manly Vale Hotel
+ INXS, The Lonely Hearts
05/08/80 Wollongong Fraternity Club
+ The Clones
24/10/80 Rydalmere Family Inn
+ The Lonely Hearts
25/10/80 Manly Vale Manly Vale Hotel
+ The Lonely Hearts
21/11/80 Bexley North Bexley North Hotel
+ Moving Parts
28/03/81 Sylvania Sylvania Hotel


  1. JR on October 27, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    Truly one of the greatest Australian bands EVER! These guys are still one of my all-time favourite bands. Only Mark, I must insist you refer to Joylene by her full name, Joylene Thornbird Hairmouth! (sorry, couldn’t resist!). Did you know that Joylene actually ran for the NSW Senate? For real!

  2. Mark Gibson on October 28, 2008 at 11:58 am

    Ahhh, Thornbird… you are quite right JR, it has been corrected.

    I remember the Senate run too.

  3. craig on December 8, 2008 at 4:09 pm

    i ‘appreciate’ them enough to want ‘babies on fire’ played @ my funeral!!

  4. Rick Scutts on May 18, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    You’re Jimmy and the boys history is a little sketchy…as are some of the above “facts”…Members of this one time great band not listed above were the people who actually formed Jimmy and the Boys before the inclusion of Iggy and Bill and include… Tom Falkingham, Pat Sheil, Mike Sheil, Scott Johnston, Hamish Stuart, John Huie, Jason Morphett and perhaps a few I cant remember…later Paul Radcliffe and Andrew De Telliga also played guitar for the band. Before Ignatious and Bill were the stars of the show, Jimmy and the boys (there was no Jimmy) were a jazz rock band comprised of students from the Cranbrook school in Sydneys eastern suburbs…they played a combination of origional songs and covers mainly influnced by the likes of Frank Zappa…Jeff Beck…Chik Cohera…and many other American bands of that genre. This was the first band I ever worked for and one day I might even share some of the incredible behind the scenes stories that in the shadow of time, seem quite unbeliveable to me…and I was there.

    • fran stanton on November 3, 2015 at 3:15 pm

      Yes Rick that is exactly my recollection of those fun times and a lot of those names sound familiar!! I remember many a week spent at the Windsor Castle

    • Jeff Cripps on April 10, 2021 at 9:14 am

      I have a cassette of Jimmy and The Boys live @ Selinas (Sydney), not sure what year, but it’s the original Band in their hey day… anybody want it.?. I’ll send it to you. JEFF CRIPPS

      • Grahame Harrison on November 26, 2023 at 4:19 pm

        if you still have that Jimmy & The Boys cassette tape, then I would certainly appreciate it. I was their sound engineer for some time. Please reply through my email address.
        Many thanks,

  5. Rick Scutts on May 18, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    Also…Rick Sutton and Joe P Rick (Joseph Attullah) are not the same person…although they both played guitar.

  6. STEPHEN on June 12, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    a great band.we need more of their songs on limewire & utube though

  7. Mal on June 28, 2009 at 10:22 pm

    The music was wild ,the shows were even wilder.I’d never been in an offal fight before

  8. GREG on August 25, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    Any one know where i cab get hold of any of the Jimmey and the boys albums especially Not Like Everybody Else but interested in all there work. been hitting the 2nd hand record stores in sydney wiith no sucess


    • Gary Proctor on July 2, 2012 at 8:18 pm

      I have there thre Lps’ on CD. There was abest of whichwas the first 2 LP’s and then the ‘Live’ Lp. It took me 30 years to find a copyof that one for the collection. Contact me at (dawson181@dodo.com) and we can arrange a burn for you. No problems at all.

    • Peter Nellies on December 28, 2019 at 11:00 pm

      I have a signed vomit coloured (Limited Edition) Not Like Everybody Else Album

    • Jeff Cripps on April 10, 2021 at 9:15 am

      I have a cassette of Jimmy and The Boys live @ Selinas (Sydney), not sure what year, but it’s the original Band in their hey day… anybody want it.?. I’ll send it to you. JEFF CRIPPS

      • Robbo on September 1, 2021 at 11:35 am


  9. gabi on December 3, 2009 at 10:12 am

    what happened with danny damjanovic?

    • Lynne on May 6, 2012 at 8:37 pm

      Yes I wonder the same thing. He was HOT.

  10. pedrod on December 21, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    I’ve been trying to get a copy of ” I’m not like everybody else ” for about 20 years since my first copy got stolen in house break in. So if someone could help it would be appreciated.


  11. nell on December 22, 2009 at 10:26 am

    Saw them heaps of times back in the old days.I use to have one of the dolls from “baby’s on fire” but my stupid mother tossed it out. I still have a copy of “I’m not like everybody else” & “Teddy Boys Picinic” but not sure if I want to get rid of them. Heaps of memories. Nell

  12. Paisley Vespa on March 8, 2010 at 8:13 pm

    Could never part with my “I’m not like everybody else” album – it’s personally autographed, including a poem by Iggy and some very amusing comments by other band members – just been trying to decipher the fading writing tonight! Very underrated, excellent fun in a savagely dark way and actually a really nice bunch of guys, leaving aside the saga of Iggy and Joylene’s fruit platter sculptures at the St Kilda Car-o-tel!!

  13. Ross Luff on April 22, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    Ah Jimmy & the Boys!!!! I remember being front row at a gig at the ANU in Canberra when Ignatious tried to stick his mic up my nose. Fun days indeed.

    • peter o'brien on July 22, 2010 at 10:19 pm

      you sure it was your nose luffy

      • Ross Luff on November 22, 2011 at 11:06 am

        Geez POB, long time no hear but it was definaitely my nose as I wasn’t bending over at the time.

        • peter o'brien on September 6, 2012 at 9:17 pm

          what on earth were you proposing that he do ?

  14. Richard Purchas on May 21, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    What about Pygmy Twilight? I remember wild days at the Windsor Hotel in Paddo…seeing Ignatius hanging off the ceiling doing his contortion thingy. Great days indeed. Rick Scutts memory is spot on…I remember all those guys he suggests.

    What about “Free Beer” before Jimmy and the Boys?? I recall it pretty well all started with Free Beer band?

  15. Rick Scutts on May 22, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    Hi Richard!
    Actually Free Beer was formed out or former members of Jimmy and the Boys after the management at the time wanted to take the band in a more commercial direction. (not to mention the obvious personality differences that usually occour in these situations) This exodous left Iggy and Bill do what they wanted to do and most of the guys who left splintered into several other bands including “Free Beer”.
    As I remember Free Beer was formed by the Sheil brothers in about 1979.

  16. Rick Scutts on May 23, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    On further reflection it was probably Tom Falkingham who started Free Beer…

  17. Michael Parks on July 28, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    I played bass in the band from ’78/’79… Played on the first albumn.
    I am currently writing a book loosely based on my time in the band…some of the stories regarding getting out of gigs alive are hard to believe. Like the time we played at Hells Angels Broadford rock festival. We went on stage at 2.00am after a very low key set from Russell Morris and the Rubes. We had already done a gig at Banannas in St Kilda and were fairly out of it. The band was asked to tone it down a tad as the crowd were sleepy. This was like the proverbial red rag to a bull..the bull being Iganatius. We played the first song and got little reaction from the pissed,stoned,tired bikers and assembled misfits. Ignats let fly with something like “Hey are you suppose to be the Hells Angels?…..well my grandmother can do better than you motherfuckers…..”

    A barrage of full beer cans started flying at us from a distance of about 20 meters (this was back in the days when the cans were made out of STEEL!!!!)

    • David T on August 6, 2010 at 4:41 am

      Michael – so cool to see that you are writing a book about your time with the Boys. Would love to hear what you have been up to over the years. We met a few times back in the early 80’s when you were with The Riffs. What ever happened to Mick, Glenn and Barry? I was playing bass with a couple of Perth original bands at the time – god bless the Apollo Room, Captain Stirling and the Albion. Good luck with the book mate!

    • mark on August 27, 2010 at 12:50 pm

      Hi Michael,

      I was wondering if whether Jimmy and the Boys were at all connected to the East Sydney art scene during the period 77 – 84. There were a couple of groups around that time that seem to have similar performance stylings to “The Boys” such as “Cabaret Conspiracy”. Did any of the participants of the band go to art school? Did you also ever play at Side F/X? I’m really curious about info in this area.



    • Clinton Bingham on March 14, 2020 at 7:08 pm

      Hi I became a fan by accident, just stumbled into Kingston rock st Kilda and you guys were playing . Any way loved the band and I introduced my friends to your music and saw the band several times . I still play my vinyl not like everybody else , and it still makes me smile . Would love to know all the lyrics especially to “other side “ my favourite trak. Maybe one day you might find the time to put the lyrics up . Or even better reform the band . Thanks for reading this , and what happened to the book . Sincerely Clinton

  18. Rick Scutts on August 6, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    G’day Michael Parks.

    • Michael parks on October 4, 2010 at 6:36 pm

      G’day Rick,

      I’ve been in Perth for the past 30 odd years.

      Do you have any idea what became of Rick sutton, Danny damjanovic, steve hall?…..

      • John on October 4, 2010 at 11:35 pm

        I know Danny his alive and well in Sydney Michael. Still playing sax but only for the occasional jam with mates.

        • geoff rosenberg on October 21, 2010 at 11:16 am

          Hey Michael – long time no see – Perth 1981
          Hope you’re still playing!
          Geoff Rosenberg

      • Rob Adams on July 16, 2023 at 1:03 pm

        Hi Michael
        I am a mate of Steve’s , he’s living in Lithgow, was in various cover bands over the past twenty years, fall from Grace being one, married now and doing well, I’ll never forget a gig I did with him,a guitarist wanted a drummer and bass player for the night, Steve jumped on the bass and I on the kit,no set list, no idea what was coming next, playing stuff like under the boardwalk, put another log on the fire, crazy night, even had some girl get Up and do some yodeling, then On the drive home nearly ran over some pissed dickhead lying on the road .
        Steve still gigs and tinkers with music and spends a lot of time at his wife’s gallery in Lithgow
        I can give you his details if you like

  19. raelene on September 1, 2010 at 11:50 am

    I’ve still got Ignatius’s vinyl pants we ripped from him at east leagues club in Brissy. They still smell!!!

  20. Nick G on September 11, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    I still recon they where the best pub live rock show ever!What a show every night.Burning babys on babys on fire That cop outfit on Cops are coming! I wraped a chain around his chin His head fell off!Where else would you hear and see such an outrageous band. Butchy boys-Electric dildos cheeks apart!I can still remember hanging off the cealing at the local inn at west ryde above ignatius with my brother holding back the bouncers who wanted to grab me and throw me out!Sensational stuff what a contorshonist! I treasure my Not like everybody else Album.So many great memories.

  21. Rick Scutts on October 18, 2010 at 7:03 pm

    for Michael Parks…

    write to me at rick_scutts@hotmail.com

  22. Allan Kelb on October 22, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    Sun, Dec 16th 1979 Jimmy And The Boys in Granville (NSW) Granville Showground – I was at this gig, the band broke up a big watermelon and threw it at the audience, some of whom saved it and threw it back at the next band on, which I think might have been Mi-Sex.

    A great all day concert- effin hot summer’s day, dust, hot beer, naked women cooling off under the water spout (photographer Bob King has some photos of this- I bought a copy at the Parra record fair a few years ago )

    Does anybody else remember this?

    One of the greatest live bands from the 70’s-80’s Oz Pub Rock era, Punk/Jazz/Funk you name it they could play it- they used to do a killer version of John Cales interpretation of Heartbreak hotel too

    • Mark Gibson on October 23, 2010 at 12:27 pm

      Hi Allan, thanks for your comment. I actually got the date of the gig from a Bob King book I have in which he dates most of the photo’s.

      Thanks again

    • Andy on April 22, 2019 at 7:44 pm

      Iggy had the watermelon hat!

      The whole show looked even more gruesome in the cold light of day…

    • Grant on February 21, 2020 at 9:12 am

      Yep, I was there that day. Ignatious wore half the watermelon on his head with all the juice ran down his face.
      He did a stand up 69 with Joylene, planted his face on her crotch and came up with blood all over his face (presuming it was a fake capsule).
      I went out and bought the album the next day.
      It was stinking hot that day, but about 9 hours of great bands.

    • Scott Johnston on April 9, 2020 at 3:15 pm

      Oh Shucks! The band could play pretty much anything we put our minds too.All the theatrics aside there where some great musicians played in the band. The watermelon was a shocker but pinging Ignatius in the back of the head with drumsticks to que him was fun.

  23. Kylie nee McRae on October 22, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    Nice you read all the comments – I spent many a weekend sitting on the Boys laps playing games at about the age of 8-10 while they got their hair done and Joy got her wigs made up. My Dad “Norman McRae” was their hairdresser
    Its a great part of my childhood memories hanging with them as normal guys and then watching them on stage do their show …..
    Same I lost touch with you all xx

  24. Norty on July 19, 2011 at 8:50 pm

    please please please anyone know where I can download “not like anybody else” all my vinyl’s been stolen – Mountzakopane@bigpond.com

  25. Kelvin on October 29, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    I remember seeing them in Cremorne, cant remember the venue, Ignatius, must have had a cold because the snot was running out of his nose and he blew his nose and a great gob of it came out and he was holding it out over the audience who were reaching up to grab it, another time Joylene announced she was pregnant to Ignatius, who, dressed as a Nun later mock raped Joylene, who then had a miscarriage ( she lifted her skirt to show a clear plastic bag in which there was a dolls head and a string of raw sausages which she pulled out of the bag and flung into the audience)
    there is certainly no one like them now.

  26. Carry on November 3, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    I remember seeing Jimmy and the Boys at Bryants Manly Vale and the crowd went wild when Jimmy threw tripe/offal at the audience. Also saw them at Avalon RSL where our group loved them,but the majority of the audience left the venue in disgust; they were AWESOME!!!!!!

    • Rick Scutts on November 4, 2011 at 2:39 pm

      Carry…there was no Jimmy, the singers name was Iggy.

  27. Doug on November 26, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    I hope someone can help me besides the Windsor Castle Paddo I saw Jimmy and Co. at a venue near railway square. Long time ago 77,78 maybe. Can anyone remember the name of said venue. Iggy used to hang off the piping on the roof and spit on people and throw blood. Capsules? Thanks in advance

    • Fran Healy on June 27, 2019 at 5:01 pm

      Stagedoor Tavern.

  28. Doug on November 26, 2011 at 7:11 pm

    Just remembered the answer to my own question Stage Door Tavern. They were good times I think.

  29. jane litten on June 24, 2012 at 7:09 pm

    we’ve just discovered this link and think its great. My husband Barry was the drummer during the 78/79 period of the band.

  30. Ric Manley on June 29, 2012 at 2:49 am
  31. Ric Manley on June 29, 2012 at 2:56 am

    A handy on line site to find Oz music several Jimmy and the Boys singles up for sale at the mo.



  32. david on March 9, 2013 at 10:11 pm

    would love to find best of jimmy and the boys on lp cassette or preferably cd titles out of phaze

  33. Karl Jennings on May 3, 2013 at 11:04 pm

    I remember going going to the “downer” (Sundowner) at Punchbowl as a young AJ in 1980 or 81 and seeing the show. I live and work in China now with a group of people of the same age and who also remember. None of unfortunately have a copy of any music.
    We would greatly appreciate an Mp3 or similar of Jimmy and the boys or the Radiators etc. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  34. Jim Crosby on June 20, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    Jimmy and the Boys played at the Vines Frankston in the 80’s. I was based at Cerberus at the time. I well remember that night as one of the local bouncers broke my nose!! Thanks mate; I wasn’t even involved in the f*%# fight……..

  35. Chris on July 9, 2013 at 7:07 pm

    Cringing… wanted to get a fix of Jimmy and the Boys 🙁 I had all of their albums on vinyl and ended up giving then away to Vinnies about 10 years ago! Can’t remember how many times I saw them live but sometimes it was more than once a week in their hey-day. My sister went to school with Monica who was quite wild in her younger years!

  36. Harry on August 27, 2013 at 8:56 am

    fuck, it’s been so long since having seen every single concert they did in Sydney in 1979 and haven’t heard a word from them since late 80ies and now living in Berlin – they would fill the houses here if they still existed, so much experimental and radical stuff going on here. Does anyone know whatever happened to Ignatius?

    • Janet Murray on May 24, 2014 at 5:14 pm

      Funny you should ask, was watching the news the morning and who should be on but the one anad only Iggy Jones who is co-ordinating the magical Vivid in Sydney,
      Such a fantastic band and soooooooooooooooooo many great memories of their live shows, they were one of a kind and just brilliant, love being a 70’s girl

  37. peter eilola on February 2, 2015 at 11:05 am

    Looking for the year (28 Dec) Jimmy & The Boys played ‘Summer Madness’ at Fowlers Lane Bangalow. Other bands on the bill were Mi Sex, Rose Tattoo, Dutch Tilders & others

    • Carla on February 17, 2016 at 12:59 pm

      I’d like to know that too. I was just a little girl and COMPLETELY star struck by Ignatius. singing I’m not like everybody else with his legs around his neck.

  38. Brent Thorpe on February 26, 2015 at 5:48 pm

    Billy O’Riordan (Joylene) is one of my best friends and we perform together often! He still performs as Joylene Hairmouth and is as outrageous as ever. We ‘re taking a show to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year. The Fabulous Punch and Judy Show. Can I promote our preview shows on this blog??
    Thanks, Brent

  39. PJ on August 16, 2015 at 5:20 pm

    I used to see J&TB a lot in my youth. I still have good condition vinyl copies of 3 albums “Teddy Boys Picnic” / “In Hell With Your Mother” and “I’m Not Like Everybody Else”
    Happy to give them away to someone who wants them, I’m in inner city Melb, so reply to this and I should get an email notification and we can work out how you can collect them.
    Don’t want to sell them, they’re free to a good home – but you’ll have to arrange pick up.

    • Chris Willey on March 1, 2022 at 4:32 pm

      Gday PJ, mate, ya still got em?….7 years on????

  40. Shane on January 8, 2016 at 3:51 pm

    There were various JATB gigs at the Stagedoor Tavern at the corner of Castlereagh & Campbell Sts, Sydney in 1979 & 1980.

    References to the dates can be found at http://www.australianmusicdatabase.com/venues/stagedoor-tavern-sydney-nsw?page=2 & http://www.australianmusicdatabase.com/venues/stagedoor-tavern-sydney-nsw?page=4

    Links to other gigs not mentioned above can also be found at http://www.australianmusicdatabase.com/bands/jimmy-and-the-boys

    I thought they played Selina’s Cooggee Bay Hotel as well around that time, but I can’t find any record of that. Some of the band members may confirm.

  41. peter rowland on March 19, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    Did my training at 1RTB. Gotta say ‘Wagga’ got me through. Thanks Jimmy and the Boys for the gigs at the Belair at Kotara.

  42. wayne jennings on May 3, 2016 at 12:11 am

    Hi. Was Ignatius Jones also the lead singer in Rats Bander ,at the same time az Jimmy and the Boys were together.?? Dont know many peolpe that saw this band. Thanks Wayne

    • Phil Kerney on May 22, 2019 at 7:09 pm

      Rratz Bander I think pre dated jatb, who took a lot of ‘inspiration’ from Rratz. RB were very real in their outrageousness, not a shock cabaret act. I remember the band was very tough.

      • Chris Willey on March 1, 2022 at 4:26 pm

        Yeah mate, yer not wrong!…seen em a few times at the Stagedoor Tavern in Sydney, my favourite rock haunt for sure!….anything goes.
        I thought there may have been a connection and bored and rained in Im doing some research….
        Those were the days!…what bits I remember!

    • Chris Willey on March 1, 2022 at 4:30 pm

      Wayne, I was thinking along those lines too, seen RRATS BANDER in Heat at the Stagedoor and without going into specifics can attest the the lead singer was also a contortionist.
      I seen both bands as many others back in those days.

  43. Wayne Lang on June 13, 2016 at 12:48 pm

    I was just watching the video on YouTube, that was recorded at “Selinas” in 1981. The quality is pretty bad though. My question is, does anyone have the video of this show in better quality. It’s obviously been professionally shot, so I guess it must exist somewhere. I’m actually amazed it hasn’t been transfered to DVD by now. Can’t find it on Ebay or Gumtree or anywhere else for that matter. I’ve been trying to show my daughter some footage of the band after telling her about them over the years. I saw them live several times back in the 80’s. A couple of times in Newcastle and another night at “The Planto” in Coffs Harbour. As anyone that saw them will tell you, they were a f__king awesome band live. Anyhow, if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. Cheers.

  44. Greta on September 20, 2016 at 5:53 pm

    A Jimmy and the Boys show at the Stagedoor Tavern in the late 70s or early 80s . During the solo in I’m the Slime, Iggy smashed a watermelon over his head. All the fruit oozed down his head and a huge boogey hung off his nose – perfect for the tune!

    I saw them again soon afterwards at the Civic and someone yelled out, “What about the watermelon, Ig!” and he replied (with feeling) “I couldn’t go through that again” 🙂

  45. Richmond Records on September 28, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a green vinyl copy of Not Like Everyone Else? I have one but can’t see it mentioned anywhere which makes it difficult to value. Any ideas

  46. whyalla boy on March 11, 2017 at 7:45 pm

    I saw these in Whyalla and I guess we are one of the homophobe towns reffered to because we threw glasses at them and drove them off stage after Jimmy 69’d Joylene and came up with a face full of mock blood… too much for us!! What a night to remember though. Great tunes

  47. Craig on December 20, 2017 at 4:52 pm

    Hey music lovers,

    I recently emailed Spotify and expressed my sadness that Jimmy & The Boys were not available on their streaming site and told them a little bit about the band, they have since added Not Like Everybody Else entire album and one song Product Of Your Mind.


  48. Bob Yates on August 7, 2019 at 9:02 am

    How fantastic to come across this thread on Jimmy and the Boys! I was promoter of the Civic Hotel’s room from 78-80 and JatB were one of early bands we presented. Started on Wed nights and became one of our regulars. They, and bands like the Mentals , X, Hitmen Oils and Misex were what put the place on the map. All of them $300 bands at the time! Some crazy nights both on and off-stage with JatBoys…whew – (some of the fights between Iggy and Bill in the dressing room pre gig would leave me wondering if they’d even go on…) I’m currently writing a book that will encompass those days.

    • Michael Parks on January 6, 2023 at 4:52 pm

      I remember those days fondly Bob, especially at the Civic. I remember seeing misex , I think it was their first gig in Sydney where the guitarist was operating their Lightshow by foot with switches they were Porter flood lamps coloured. The whittle family were one of my favourites

  49. Clinton BINGHAM on August 11, 2019 at 10:50 am

    Saw these guys a few times in Melbourne , great shows. Have 2 albums and still listen to them ,especially not like everybody else. First time i saw them was by accident , walking along Fitzroy St St Kilda looking for somewhere to go.A woman came out of Kingston rock and was bleeding from what must have been an assault. My mate and i went inside to see what was going on .There was Iggy on stage waving a burning doll, and ranting something about Mothers day. We got some drinks and watched the remaining show ,just a great night .

  50. Jimbo on September 28, 2019 at 11:24 am

    I was about 17 or 18 and I saw Jimmy and the Boys play at SGT Peppers in Kings Cross. The band and most of the crowd was totally wild! I didn’t really know what I was watching and listening too, but I knew I liked it.

  51. Clinton Bingham on March 14, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    Loved seeing this band , very entertaining and wild theatrics . Would like to hear from anyone who knows the lyrics to Other Side . Great song just can’t quite make out a few lines . The lisp doesn’t help

  52. Jeff Cripps on April 10, 2021 at 9:13 am

    I have a cassette of Jimmy and The Boys live @ Selinas (Sydney), not sure what year, but it’s the original Band in their hey day… anybody want it.?. I’ll send it to you. JEFF CRIPPS

  53. Peter C Bray on September 14, 2021 at 8:46 am

    Exchange Hotel,Brisbane ,hosted them a couple of times in 78 and 79.I think they supported The Angels once there.At that time The Leftovers were going strong and they made Jimmy and the Boys look prissy.Most of The Leftovers are dead now,but as far as I know Ed Wreckage is still with us.

    • Tim O'Dea on May 31, 2023 at 8:57 am

      Hey Peter, In the late 70’s our Brisbane band, The Agents, supported Jimmy & the Boys at Cleveland Sands Hotel. A night to remember for sure. Apparently, a top-line Shure microphone disappeared from the load in/out point. I remember reading a small Ad in the Courier Mail newspaper a few weeks later that Jimmy had received a broken leg. Ahh, the stories!

  54. Michael Floyd on December 30, 2021 at 6:10 pm

    We used to see them at The Windsor Hotel in abput 1976 in Paddo religiously. They were so good.

  55. Chris Willey on March 1, 2022 at 4:00 pm

    Searching for a rather “out there”band that played Sydney’s Stagedoor Tavern back in the late ’70s early 80’s.
    a band called “Rats Bander in Heat”
    I got to thinking that the similarities in the ‘performances’, no other word, could’ve suggested a link to the two bands.
    It seems to be too far back for the internet even.
    Anyone remember them?

  56. […] out more about Jimmy and the Boys and their legacy here, or read about them in our guide to Australia’s most obscure hit singles […]

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