The Jeff White Collection – Narara 1983

The two Narara concerts have been quite literally two of my most popular articles. Each of them has attracted a large number of comments with people leaving their thoughts and memories of what were obviously very special events.
Recently Jeff White, who was at both concerts offered to send over some very rare photo’s and I’m pleased to present the first batch here. They are of the Narara 1983 concert.
Jeff has sent me quite a few sets of photo’s which I’ll be presenting here over the next few weeks. I’d like to give Jeff a huge thankyou for allowing us to post his collection here and I’d love it if you could leave a thankyou to Jeff in the comments section below. Stay tuned for more…
Cheers, Mark Gibson
Great pics Jeff and thankyou for posting them…did you by any chance get any crowd shots to give everyone here an impression of how big these events were? I remember looking out from the stage and the crowd was staggering…
not from the stage back at the crowd like you could see had but there are some shots taken from the shower block on the hill looking down at the stage showing all the tents in between. Simply awesome sight. Do you have any shots from the back stage area at all?
unfortuately not Jeff, one of my biggest career regrets is not taking a camera everywhere I went…think I may have been a little to stoned to get that together…looking forward to seeing more.
I’m the same Rick. I hardly ever took a camera on tour even though I was a keen photographer. Dumb, eh?
I do have some good stuff but nothing like I should have got. Oh well…
Thanks so much for the memories, the pictures are fantastic…. Narara was one of the precious times of my youth …… thank you again!
I remember BEGGING my parents to go to Narrara with Jeffrey, i think i was about 13… he really wanted to take me there even though he was working…… i just wish so badly that my parents said yes as it would have been the last time i had seen my brother and had time with him….. anyway, what a great site and thanks for remembering Jeffrey… Lisa Merryweather
I spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights and Monday through to lunch time there. It was the greatest experience of my life. We were calling it “tent city” because as you looked down the hill that’s all you could see. Then in the paddocks behind the toilet block (some good stories about that too) it was full of Kombie Vans. I have never seen so many. I have only about two photos somewhere. Somebody did get some good ones of the crowds, the Angels etc because they stole my friend’s camera from her because we got a little drunk. Anyway what a weekend!!!! Oh do you remember on the Sunday, the guys in the dam who were naked chasing the chicks and dragging them into the mud. One group we called the Sandies (because they rolled in the sand at the edge of the dam) and the other we called the Muddies. I will never forget that weekend, ever.
I remember being very disappointed at not being allowed to go to this. I was 16 and all grown up in my opinion.
I’m still wondering why they called it Narara when it was held in Somersby?