The Moving Targets

My Husband, Bob Rock was in a band called “The Moving Targets” formed about 1965, in Heidelberg Heights in Melbourne. Their average age of band then was 14 years old. They won best new & upcoming band in Hoadleys battle of the bands at Festival Hall in Melbourne.
Colin Wells played Lead guitar, Bob Rock on rhythm guitar and Laurie Strickland on drums. They played covers, but did do an original recording, that is lost now. I remember going with him when they played at Penny Lane in Frankston. I was backstage, starstruck by Olivia Newton-John and Pat Carroll and Max Merritt and the Meteors, with stewy Spears on drums. Max borrowed a plectrum from Bob, that night. They carried their guitars on their shoulders and had a guitar case full of beer!
The Moving Targets got quite a bit of work, between 1965-1968, playing at “Catcher” in Flinders Lane, Melb., “Penthouse”, Swinger, etc., I worked at Melbourne’s greatest music shop,” Brashs”, for well over 30 years, selling originally records and then cd’s. LONG LIVE MUSIC!
We were blessed to be a part of Melbourne’s great music scene, back then. One of our best friends, now are Sue & Kris Fillipov (Phillips), who also entertained for a living, Kris was in the bands, in 1970-72, Bizarre and Fusion and also in The Echoes in 1977. He is, in my opinion one of the best guitarists in Australia, but unfortunately, not well known. He was managed by Michael Gudinsky (in his early career, before Michael Gudinsky was well known).
I have also attached some old Go-Set magazine’s Top 40’s.
Kind regards, Marilyn Rock.
Who was the girl singing with the band in 1968-1969?
that girl was my mum Rose , she still has an amazing voice.
Hi Dean, happy to hear that Rose is still singing..I’m still playing the bass those early band days were very important and fun for us.cheers
Hi Hans, The Moving Targets never had a girl vocalist.
Hi Marilyn You want remember me but we formed a band with laurie and kenny
after he left the targets.
i seem to recall Rose sing ing with the boys a few occassions
Just noticed the comments on the band..I did play bass with the band for sometime in the sixties and the was a female singer of the venues I played with them at times was at Marquis in High Street.Preston…they used to drive me home to Reservoir..long time ago but fun.
Hi, yes Rose did sing with the band, later and Bob remembers you Barry and Brian. Just want to mention the sad passing of original band member, Colin Wells on 11th November 2014. RIP Colin.
Hi Dean, happy to hear that Rose is still singing..I’m still playing the bass those early band days were very important and fun for us.cheers