The Vagabonds

There aren’t many groups who managed to stay together musically and physically at a time when bands seem to come together for a brief period and then fade from the scene. It’s refreshing to listen to a group like The Vagabonds.
The band was formed by Greg Scott and Craig Sutton.
- Maurice Nicholson – Vocals
- Craig Sutton – Guitar
- Greg Scott – Guitar
- Jim McColl – Bass
- Cade Pallasch – Drums
Ive seen this band on many occasions and know all the members, sadley Greg Scott known as Pig to us passed away. Craig Sutton is still going strong in a band called Fat Albert,and has performed in many others and have had great raves. Its great to have this site sent to me as it brings back so many fond memories and some unreal party times.
Hi Liz, thanks for the info on Pig. I didn’t know that. I had the pleasure of doing sound for the Vagabonds many times back in the mid 80’s and they were always great. Nice blokes too.
Cheers, Gibbo
Hi Mark
Thanks for the reply email, I really wasnt expecting one. I spoke to Craig last night and he said he will contact you. You have put a smile on a few dials…….Thanks
Hi, I had the pleasure of riding with Wog,Jimba, & Pig, back in the good days,
& we jammed together,at parties. Fond memeries. I can’t Get into The Vags Website anymore, Have they closed It? I’ve emailed Craig, but so far no reply.
I hope someone picks this up.
Middnight HH (Retired)
Are the good old day’s. Cade! and his blue drum kit that match his panel van lol, wouldn’t mind catching up! Think i will have to past this link to my facebook,for my mates, also wouldn’t mind a look at the web site if it’s still up, so if anyone knows the link? and somebody should drop a link to videos and photos of the band so we can all look, it nice to know there not forgotten.
Hi to Miss Lizzie and to Midnight
and a big thanks to Gibbo for the site, We all still keep in contact with each other
so you never know maybe someday we will hit the road, we have spoken about
that so who knows. thanks to all for the support over the years, and a big hello
to George and Steve from Black Lable, great band good friends.
Let me know if you guys ever come back here down south, Doctor Jekyll is hanging for one hell of a good time as most of the cool bands have gone and there’s not much left to see.
Cheers Jim
no good that the bands time is up also bad news about Pig i new Wog wouldn’t stop playing but is Jimba still playing? also if you read this fellows hows Brick?
Hey Invisible,
went to as loud as it gets with wogo last weekend and then went to a jam with George and Steve from Black Lable all good, Bricko is good living on his farm
hey not in the band fat albert any more just been playin bass with some mates form the the poor and ex black label up here in northern nsw s/e qld just a bit of fun , the mullets , just type in , the mullet band aint no fun , cheers to all
Hey wog, saw you and foz at the wallaby when I was playing with bear in the pulse I never received your me
Cheers Steve ( the Greek)
HI GUYS !!!!
Im pretty sure
I speak for
when I say….
those of us that
were part of
The VagaBond
Will never
forget the
many hours of
great music & parties
So many great
memories that
will last a
?never forgotten
rest easy mate
Hi all, sad news about Pig, you boys might remember doing quite a few gigs at the Leumeah Inn, I used to book the bands there and was the DJ for many years, you guys were definitely one of the best going around and I worked alongside of many bands in the 80’s including the big Doug P and also the Choirboys who recorded Fireworks in the Leumeah inn also, ah the good old days, I still have a few of the Vagabonds promo posters tucked away somewhere, cheers to all and thanks for the great memories DJ Greg
Hi just wanted to no about Cade Pallasch any news on him
Hi to the vagabonds miss you boys play hard
Hi Jim was my boss many years ago. I saw the Vagabonds many times. Jim was a champion to me when I was a pup.