Clive Shakespeare has passed away

Sherbet founding member Clive Shakespeare has passed away after a long battle with cancer. Shakespeare was born Clive Richard Shakespeare in Southampton, England and emigrated with his family in the 1960’s.

He formed Sherbet around 1969 and was guitarist with the band through to 1975 when he was replaced by Harvey James who also passed away from cancer recently. Clive also co-wrote some of Sherbet’s biggest hits including ‘Cassandra’, ‘You’ve Got The Gun’, ‘Life’, ‘Only One You’, ‘Slipstream’ and ‘Silvery Moon’.

He was also known as a record producer having worked on such albums as Paul Kelly’s debut solo album ‘Post’.

Clive was aged 62 when he passed away.

Cassandra – Live from the Harvey James Tribute Concert

Silvery Moon


  1. Greg Morris on February 17, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    I saw the original line up of Sherbet a number of times back in the early 70’s and that line up for me was always the best.

    One memorable show at the Capitol Theatre billed as a “Battle Of The Bands” between Sherbet and Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs, now that was a night to remember!!

    Too many people get taken by cancer, it’s a hideous thing to go through, very sad news and a great loss.

    RIP Clive.

    • Mark Gibson on February 17, 2012 at 12:58 pm

      I only saw them once in their heyday & they were bloody fantastic. It was one of the 2SM free concerts in Victoria Park. Before that day we’d always written them off as a bit of a “girls band” but they were brilliant. Instant convert!

      • Julie Peruch on August 4, 2013 at 10:14 pm

        loved those 2SM concerts and waiting for rockober to start..x

      • Chris Gorgioski on February 10, 2020 at 12:18 pm

        Yes, i was there as well. I agree with you on that, they were a bit of a pop band and the girls did love them. But i do appreciate them a lot more now. Maybe because theres so much crap they pass as music these days.

      • Steveo on June 16, 2022 at 7:08 pm

        I saw them a few times and they just got better and better. Re: the cancer – yes, a curse of disease that their next guitarist Harvey James succumbed to in 2011, one year earlier than Clive.
        I suppose it pays to remember that the things we do to ourselves come back to damage our health later. s young’uns we think we’re invincible – soon proven wrong. Cheers,S

  2. Julie on February 23, 2012 at 8:49 am

    I was stunned when I heard this news yesterday. Clive, the original guitarist, could have made Sherbet into a rock band. Instead he was fired in 1976 & they continued down the path of frothy pop. And now both he & his replacement, Harvey James, are gone, far too soon. Very, very sad. RIP Clive.

  3. Jeff White on February 27, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    I sort of saw them at the Goulburn Lilac Time Hall around 1974 when I was about 11. The smoke machine was pumping so much I doubt anyone saw them much that night!! LOL

  4. Michael Rooney on February 28, 2012 at 9:18 am

    The Lonely Hearts recorded some demos at Clive’s home studio at Lindfield (around Sept/Oct 1981 as I recall). Apart from him being a really great guy and a pretty competent engineer one of the things I remember most vividly was his toilet.
    It was a long narrow room with the loo at the end of this narrow coridoor but the standout feature was that all the walls were covered in Sherbert gold records!

  5. Keith on March 1, 2012 at 12:24 pm

    Well this news slipped under the radar a little, heard nothing about it until I had a look at this site today which I had bookmarked a few months ago. Gees I remember seeing Sherbet in Townsville on the Howzat tour in winter 76 so Harvey James would have just replaced Clive Shakespeare. I was all of 11 years of age and this was my first experience of a rock concert, support was TMG as they quite often were to Sherbet in the mid 70’s and they were my fav band with Sherbet and SKyhooks close behind. A story to tell was that I was hit in the head with a flying can of soft drink (no plastic cup only regulations in those days) thrown by people at the back to protest against the people up the front dancing and jumping and blocking their view so there I was with my eldest sister who was 17 at the time trying to drag me off to get medical attention for all the blood streaming from my head with me protesting I was going to miss the encore! Needless to say my parents would not let me go to see SKyhooks when they toured that summer 🙁

  6. Paul Davies on March 9, 2012 at 9:28 am

    I have just been told of the sad death of the great Clive Shakespeare. What a great loss to the world of music this will be and it comes so close to the death of another great member of Sherbet Harvey James.
    I live in the UK but have been a fan of Sherbet since the early 70′s and i can’t describe how saddened i am about the loss of these great musicians and would like to pass on my sympathy to the families of these great men and i hope that the remaining members of sherbet do not forget what these men did for the group, and i still hope that one day they will come to the UK and meet some of their fans.
    To Clive and Harvey R.I.P and may God look after you.

  7. Patrick on April 10, 2012 at 1:07 pm

    Had the pleasure and privilege of seeing both Harvey and Clive play the same night with Sherbet on their 1984 farewell tour. I preferred Harvey’s playing style, but I admire Clive’s muscianship and his vision in forming one of the greatest Aussie bands of all time. RIP. Bet he is jamming with Harvey right now!

  8. Andy Newman on July 28, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    Re. Clive’s downstairs toilet at Lindfield. I also recorded there around 1980/1981. I distinctly recall the platinum cassette for Summer Love hanging on the inside of the toilet door.

  9. Susie Hewett on August 25, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    I am shocked at the news of Clive Shakespeare’s untimely passing. Sherbet were my favourite band for much of the 1970’s and I saw them for the first time in 1973 at the St Marys Memorial Hall (St Marys in Sydney) and I still remember it as if it happened Yesterday. I was in the front right in front of Clive and when I through some comfetti at him he gave me a big smile (which was my thrill for the day). Altogether I saw Sherbet about 30 times between 1973 and 1979 including 2 outdoor concerts – at Penrith Park, Penrith (with Clive) in 1975 and Victoria Park, Sydney (with Harvey James) in 1976

    Rest In Peace Clive and Harvey.

  10. John Hilton on June 4, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Sorry to hear about Clive’s passing.Clive and I were mates back in the Downtown Roll Band Days (early 60’s).i can remember fixing the band Van (Cam Shaft) at this parents home..I was also a family friend of Slava and her sister Alice ..I have spent the last 20 years working in various parts of the world my family and I only recently returned to Australia…Very sand he was a great bloke sorry we lost touch over the years .

    John Hilton

  11. Lisa Wilkinson on July 22, 2020 at 10:56 pm

    Loved Sherbet still do always will !!!!
    Clive s artistry certainly sent them forward to be one of the most influential bands in Australia
    favourite song from Clive’s time was Silvery Moon
    Still watch those early film clips with Clive right there awesome guitarist
    RIP Clive

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