Pat Pickett has passed away

Sadly I heard today that Pat Pickett had passed away as a result of cancer. Words like “legend” and “icon” get thrown around too easily sometimes but Pat really was a legend and an icon. Pat was an old school “road warrior” whose reputation in the industry was huge. I only had the pleasure of working with him a few times so we were acquaintances rather than mates but I knew where he stood in the business.
His resume was a who’s who of Australian rock starting out with a very young AC/DC and including acts like The Angels, The Screaming Jets and literally hundreds of other bands over many, many years.
Rest in peace Pat.
* Update *
Clint Braddick, Garry Chamberlain and Derek Bovill have kindly given me use of a couple of great photo’s of Pat, thanks Guys.
If you have some you’d like to share here please send me an email or just leave a comment below with your email address & I’ll find you
* A Tribute to Pat Pickett from John Swan *
Another good friend and fine roadie passes away, I’ve been sharing stories all day with my friends who worked with Pat Pickett He was a funny bastard- nothing was exempt from his sense of humour. He invented the dance of the flaming ass holes and of course the Pat Pickett Strut funniest thing you’ll see.
All day good friends and some I haven’t spoke to for a while have been checking to see if I was OK. Now that to me tells you the type of man he was I met him way back at early AC/DC gigs Mark Evans will go into the stirs for you I hope if he deems this appropriate. Somehow appropriate and Pat don’t go together 🙂 He was a real roadie he loved his friends, he entertained others.
He was loyal and funny, but most of all he was a big softie, he would protect the girls who had bad names he would try to get the good girls into trouble. Crew in this period were real worked hard and played hard, no podiums not much money or food none of us ate much then I guess we were looking after our figures (yeah……..right! ? ) but always had a GREAT time
Like all of us he was no angel and there was a lot that went on, on the road which shall remain there “what happens on tour stays on tour”. I liked him because if he didn’t like you he’d call you the most disgusting names. If and when he got to know you, he’d apologize, for only a few, because at the time you usually were what he suggested.
My light shines a little dimmer each time a friend passes, my heart goes out to all who knew him I had a chat with girl from Melbourne tonight, just talking about Pat, She’d been howling because she read my face book update she told me things he did for her how he took her in he was like the big brother she needed. She told me lots but I’ll just leave it at that.
All I can say is Bon Scott, Norm Sweeney, Billy Thrope, Wayne “Swampy” Jarvis, Marc Hunter, Ted Mulry, Mick Cocks to name only a few (sorry I know I’ve missed some here there are so many more.). So many we loved will be having a laugh tonight as he tries to explain some road antics to St Peter they will be pissing themselves as he takes them on a journey you would have to have been there to enjoy.
Funny man, great roadie, good friend such a kind person, I loved him as did many of the real rock and roll bands and their crew. Big, small all you had to do was ROCK, he would help drink your rider and tell you the best yarns in the most colourful vernacular.
God I’ll miss him RIP BIG MAN 🙂 e used to say he was an honoraury Scott as they were the only other c….s that could get in as much trouble without even trying XXXXXXX :). For those who think this is inappropriate, it’s only for those who knew Pat, the rest, well you can always go f………k yourself.
Reproduced with the permission of John Swan
sadly missed ! RIP PAT
Very sad to hear. Condolences to his relatives and close friends.
It was always good to see Pat’s latest technicolour dayglo socks rocking up to a load in. You’d know it was going to be a good day.
Although it’s been many years since I worked with you, you’d be surprised how frequently you, or your socks, have been in my thoughts and conversations since those days!
Thanks for some really good times, Pat.
@Undercover – Aussie Rock Legend – Roadie Pat Pickett passed away from Cancer R I P = Rock in Peace –
Wonderful tribute to Pat Pickett from John Swan.
Was a sad day when I heard that Pat was no longer with us. A true legend of the Australian touring industry. My thoughts go to your sister Pam and the kids. RIP buddy.
Miss ya mate.
Pat was a huge influence on many people not only as a resilient and relentless worker but also as a bloke. A true example of the aussie male, loved his footy, good music and a beer.
Tho with language that could make a a sailor blush and rhyming slang knowledge that was the envy of all those who knew him.
Re Pat Pickett the super-roadie it is my unpleasant duty to advise he passed away yesterday. More here:
RIP Pat…. sad day
Rip king pos
Melbourne longies all round
So sad! Love ya Pat and miss you loads already!
Imagine being a fly on the wall wherever he’s gone – I reckon the rock and roll party in the sky just got a whole lot better! 🙂
Drac (Phil D)
Pls make contact by email re important event coming up over Easter that i would like you to attend. (
Cheers Mark E.
Used to live with the guy, LEGEND!
Rip Pat
RIP Pat.
The time I had with you was priceless, You’ll be sadly missed, never forgotten, and I feel fortunate to have known you. Most of all will never forget those classic stories and jokes that had us all in uncontrollable laughter! Huge respect to a great and unique man.
Rest in peace our friend. Pat you rocked our world with so much joy and laughter. Fuck a true bro that we have lost but shall never forget. My love to Pam.
Diplomatic, sophisticated, handsome –
Thank f*** Pat was none of those things.
He was one of the funniest c***s I’ve ever known & one of those rare people who really did give a shit about anyone he called a mate, in actions and words.
A one of a kind gentleman. RIP Pat
RIP Pat. Truly fortunate to have known you. Thanks for all the laughs and all your help along the way.
You will never be forgotten.
I will have Melbourne Long Neck for you tonight.
Pat pickett aka the brain,the original super roadie all rounder and good mate thanks for teaching me how to work hard and have fun at the same time will be missed and always remembered.
well said S. Johnny
“take this speed back to the dealer, it made my dick small”
you funny bastard, you will be sorley missed.
Pat Pickett doesn’t need to be officially added to any Rock Hall Of Fame.
He was his own living Rock Hall Of Fame.
He was one of the good guys, the rare breed, and there will never be another like him. Not in the rock industry anyway, too many rules now.
Thanks for all the good advice, Pat. A short note in farewell :
6 foot 7 inch bald guy bus surfing on top of a 12 seater in outback Western Australia on dirt road. What a ride we had. You will be missed brother.
“Bus surfin’ road crew…” One of the funniest, best and terrifying things I’ve witnessed. He left some gargantuan shoes that will never be filled and memories that will never wane.
Pat Pickett was an amazing man who had unrivalled passion and care for his work, his bands and his mates, i had the good fortune to work with Pat on many occasions as well as spending many miles on the road with him.
He was a absolute gentleman, a great sound guy and possibly the funniest man i have ever met.
The world will be a sadder place without him. R.I.P. Good Friend.
Pat, my God what a great mate you were,,, our King,, of Rock n Roll,, I will always miss you! love forever your friend Trace xxxxx
Thanks for all the memories Pat. What a funny b****** …… RIP bro and “Rock the Heavens”. They’re in for a hoot with you up there and all I’ll say is ….. they’d better have a good sound system!!! Love you man,
All my very best to your close family and friends. Prayers & Condoleces,
Dave x
I’ve knew Pat for about 20 years, as a punter. He always had time for anyone and alwyas up for a chat and a beer. I saw him only a few weeks back – doing a gig for Kevin Borich / Steve Edmonds at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel. He got a call that morning as they were down some crew – that’s the sort of guy he was. He was at the airport about to fly to Japan with the Australian Ballet but the tour got canned. I don’t know if he knew he was sick, but if he did, he never mentioned anything.
You’re spot on Darryl – the man was in a class of his own. RIP Pat. The world is a lesser place.
Pat took me under his wing when i was a pup and taught me everything he new,(good and bad)
This advise in life was priceless and i will be eternally greatfull.
My condolences to his sister and any children he may have fathered along the way.
I hope you are having a beer with Steve Pauner and Bullbar up there and i’ll see you
when it is time.
I knew Pat for over 20 years, things won’t be the same now that he’s gone.
RIP Pat.
We’re all going to miss you.
“listen to the band, don’t look at the graphic”
Pat knew what he was talking about.
He will be sorely missed by all who him.
I first met Pat in 1993 working for the Screaming Jets. He was a complete dag, an utter ratbag, a top bloke and a bloody legend.
The world is a richer place for having known him, but a poorer place for having lost him. I’ll miss you mate, have a beer for me 🙁
Bear and I always were amazed at how you survived so many ‘challenges’. You will be best remembered for your input to the younger bands. Selfless enthusiasm, attention to detail & good advice. One day someone will open a crew hall-of-fame in a disused road-side diner & you’ll be in the 1st batch inducted. Respect.
Best way to wake up a band, get Pat to do his onstage intro. What sad news RIP Pat.
I was just thinking of you two days ago when I was buying some fine bright shorts!
Rest in Peace and Love,
Never more scared than the first time I handed my PA to Pat to use, never more impressed with the result, terrified with the comments afterwards, so pleased when he kept using it.
Learnt so much from the man,
Had so much fun
sadly missed
I first met Pat way back in the days I worked for a very young AC/DC. Legend doesn’t came within a bulls roar of Pat. 2 spectacular sessions on the Gold Coast come readily to mind and bring a healthy chuckle. To Pats family I send my condolences. Words don’t seem to be enough, just now.
Farewell, old friend.
How to come to grips with a lesser world; a place less bright for another thinning of the ranks…
Pat arrives at the Pearly Gates, resplendent in loud boardies and singlet, mini esky in hand, with the worlds ugliest pair of massuer sandals on his feet. He’s interrogating St. Peter as to the wherabouts of the band room, availability of 3 phase supply, and negotiating to have the kitchen open for two extra hours, all while insisting that God get down here immediately to move his car so the crew can run the ramp out from the truck…
Reminiscing, long distant memories and a drink in memento mori…
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your cheeks. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Goodbye old friend…
An Amazing person. One of a kind. He lived life to the Max doing what he always wanted to do and was never afraid of what anyone thought about him. His stories would always leave you spellbound. Real Old School. RIP Pat.
A road warrior, a true mate, a pleasure to be with, and funny as fuck into the bargain
Worked the hard yards in the days when there was no textbook or prior history to work from.
No one can do the strut like that
I will miss you mate
rest easy
The Bald Guy
Get me a beer from the Sydney Harbour Bridge and bring it to the pullataurium for me bitch!!! He was the funniest person I ever met and you just never knew what you were in for on a night out with Pat!!!!! RIP Pat you will be missed big fella!!!
RIP Pat . You were one of the scariest crew I ever met . Until I got to know you . You will be sorely missed
A genuine funny bugger with a cheeky grin and more front than Myers. Someone should have given him a big advance to write his memoirs before he left us. Pat was one of our elders and a Keeper of Oz Crew Culture. Condolences to those he loved and who loved him. Respect
I still smile when telling stories of worked with Pat in the Late 80’s on the Angles. A true strutting legend puffing on his artichoke RIP.
RIP Old buddy, True Rock’n’Rolla you will be missed you funny fukr 🙂
Thanks for teachn me to drive a dual axle 12 Tonner what a night.
May you rest in peace.
I worked with Pat for Contraband In 79, he had a heart the size of a watermelon and was dangerously funny. Great memories.
Here’s one for the road… see ya at the next in
RIP ol’ mate
pat i will miss the outragesly colourful shorts & socks, the singlet over the t-shirt, the abotts larger (but why is it always my shout? lol) and all the other idiosyncrasys that made you such a special guy. You taught me so much about the industry & life & i will cherish the memories of the time we spent touring with the models.
Rest in peace mate “om mani padme hum”
RIP Pat – from me and also from my “mate with the great tits”!
Thanks for EVERYTHING 😉
R.I.P Pat
Catch ya up for a “pigs ear” one day
Will miss ya Mate
BSB: 064121 ACC: 10245472.
BSB: 064121 ACC: 10245472.
From all of the old “heads” from the old school, Pat carved out a niche and reputation for himself, by doing all the shit, smart & stupid, (and by being all the colourful characters) that he was known and loved for. A great (cool) dude to have on your side! The road goes on forever! RIP Pat. See you on Tuesday 7th!!
I worked alot with Pat throughout 2006-7, both as the barmaid who poured his drinks and an event organiser he did the sound for. He was awesome. I loved the signs he would draw and stick on the side of the sound booth such as “rock throwing starts now”, and the way he sometimes spoke to the bands, such as “what the fuck are you standing here for, load your fucking gear in” and “the fucking back wall is just over there, turn your fucking amp down rockstar”, but he was always friendly after the show with drinks and tales of working with the famous musicians we all admired so much (I especially enjoyed his Fear Factory story). He was totally reliable as a sound guy, never fucked up and always got a great sound out of the bands, even if it meant swearing at them black and blue until they did what he said. He was rough as guts and we all loved him for it, and all the musicians loved working with him. He will be very sadly missed. Thanks for everything Pat, I’m glad I slipped you all those free drinks. RIP. xxx
Right with you Helsbells!!!
I only met the man a couple of times, but that was enough to give me an insight into his real character. His reputation did proceed him though.
You will will be sadly missed down here Pat. But very welcome up there, I’m sure.
RIP Pat.
PP…..I still remember the first gig I did with you at the old Surfers Paradise Hotel in 1979 or ’80 and also the last time we saw each other at Mercury in Melbourne a few years ago…….both times hilarious and memorable. We’ve both known a lot of people in this game over the years, but there aren’t too many I can vividly remember all those details about. As for all the miles on the road in between?…. Well, me as a fresh faced kid from the ‘burbs of Melbourne, sharing rooms, trucks and crew cars with you around the country I sure learned a LOT in a hurry:)
Thanks for all the advice, inspiration and laughs. Apart from all your other achievements, your rhyming slang will live on, and has immortalised: Jimmy Reed, Patty Page, Donald Duck, Perry White and even Larry Storch! (I’m not going to mention Brahman Bull though…this might get censored).
A truly unique individual… many punters out there are STILL wondering what the fark the APOLLO STRUT was all about???
It’s guys like you that make our biz worth being in. Not eveybody knew what a truly talented fighter you were….not only with your hands, but with your mind AND your spirit.
You’re not gonna rest in peace mate, you’re gonna raise hell up there…..wake the bastards up…’re not gone, you’re just rockin in another place. You lived faster than all of us mate, so you got there quicker.
See you sooner or later….I’ll look for the most colourful cloud with all the pictures on it. TW
PP….. “the only man on two legs, RIP Buddy”. I remember when I started on the road with Tony Wilde all those years ago 1978 travelling up the DeadlyHume to Albury thinking to myself my life has just changed, and that it certainly did.
As the year rolled on I finely meet Pat Pickett the man. Pat and I hit it off pretty quickly and I could not believe this guy he was full of life and always had a yarn for you which made you laugh so hard you thought your stomach was going to explode.
As the years clocked by I worked with Pat on and off or was working a gig were Pat just happened to be doing sound and what I call “in house comic relief” never a dull moment, then in 1990 Pat rang me out of the blue and said ” what the f#@k are you doing” and I said “waiting for you to call me what’s going on” Pat replied with “I,ll will pick you up in an hour we are going out on the road ” my reply was” who with? “Ahh this little band called the Screaming Jets, I said “who? Don’t worry there pretty cool and there really loud”. So Pat picked me up in Randwick. “Hey Pat where the hell are going? Pat replied ” ahh Coff’s Habour the Hoey Moey” I replied “Cool” Pat replied “Cool (pause) you mean cooler than shit mate it’s gunner be fun” Get in we gotta to go”.
That poor truck didn’t know what hit it Pat fully charged and on a mission I’m not sure whether it was God but ” God save that truck”.
Pat Pickett, dedicated, determent, friend to most he met , a great judge of charater and would never let you down.
We will miss you Pat!!!!
RIP Mate!! You will always be a legend!! Amen.
Russ ( Rex Calypso) Nelson
Pat Pickett was a one-off quintessential Australian roadie who made sure he had a damn good time while working very hard indeed. In the late seventies we did gigs together, Ayers Rock I believe, all over the Victorian coast.
Full of stories, used to get a Christmas card from Bon every year….Pat often said he couldn’t tell you the best ones, too many people would be incriminated….
In the eighties we met again when Pat was doing the Models, and later Spy vs Spy.
When there was trouble he’d come flying over the top of his mixing desk to help ya out…..I kept the explicit little rhymes he left in the SPX90’s for years afterwards (since they were on EVERY program as well, funny bloke he was).
Pat did the Northern Territory run past the Aboriginal settlements with Midnight Oil, an iconic trip. He was Bon Scott’s mate, as far as I know, that’ what started him out working with bands, a good bloody start I’d say 🙂
A colourful man, pity we’ll have to miss him so early, with him goes a lot of OZ Rock history. You were loved and appreciated Pat, God bless ya….
I think I first met Pat at the Prince of Wales Hotel in St. Kilda, sometime in the early 80’s, I was hired as a loader to do the stairs…I was pretty new back then and remember seeing a bloke sitting in the corner drinking Abbotts or KB, whatever it was it wasn’t what we might think of as mainstream beer but as I soon discovered Pat was not a mainstream guy. I worked with Pat on a few occasions in the Melbourne days then spent 18 months or so touring with him, S. Johnny Black and Lee and a few others with Spy v Spy. As others have written a day spent with Pat is a day full of hard work but is also a valuable learning experience. He was passionate about audio in all forms, and loved a challenge, whatever that night be, didn’t take shit from anybody, probably burnt a few bridges along the way but that was Pat to a tee. He didn’t mind a chin wag, and was funny as fuck…but don’t be late for the load-in…even if the Spit Bridge is closed! I might be biased but I have always said that when Pat goes (but I didn’t think it would be this soon), he will be the last of the Legendary Old School Roadies still working the scene. I was only chatting with him earlier this year outside my shop…he would still call in every now and then just to say g’day and catch up, I was shocked to hear of his passing….still am. I will see you on Tuesday mate,
We are all starting to realize just how many people were mates of Pat’s.
~ Around Australia,..and all around the world.
Pat was a one off. A legend, truly, in his own lifetime. The epitome of the “rough diamond”,…but mostly diamond. Old school values, combined with a heart as big as the outback, rhyming slang used as if it was his first language, and an outstretched hand, followed quickly by,….”G’day,…..I’m Pat Pickett!” When this happened to ya, you knew that you had just met SOMEONE!
It happened to me years ago, and Pat became one of the best friends I’ll ever have.
Even on his crappiest days, he brought sunshine into my life, and I will miss him like a brother I never had.
God bless ya Pat, and thanks.
First met Pat when we did “Spy v Spy” together. Loved the man, you always knew where you stood with him. Caught up again recently when he was working at the rocks. Never knew he was ill but that was Pat. Will be raising a glass on Tuesday.
A man who will be sorely missed. RIP, although peace might not be the word.
Hey ya ol bastart so many tours we shared So much fun I remember banging this chick in perth an she stoped me half way through an said that guy in the next bed was watching ! I said to he no he just sleeps with his eyes open well we got back into it an so did the next morning we told the crew an band { The Screaming Jets } What a cracker of bloke R.I.P Pat Pickett Rockon
Sad said to hear of Pats suddenly leaving this world. What a gentleman!
Pat worked for the Mondos for some time in the Eighties. My memories are so strong. Sharing the load in with him. “Come on you musician c*** get that 4560 up the ramp now!”
Abbots lager, the great stories, the best Rhyming slang.First thing in the morning he’d get up and have “a Berocca and a dapper dan” put on his fluorescent “almond rocks” pack up his huge old fashioned steamer trunk with drawers grab his girl and head off in the truck. Still remember the day during a gig when some strange noise happened on stage. Looked up and there was Pat with the top of the monitor desk up in the air ,his head stuck under it with a Soldering iron in his hand and hes working on the guts of it!
They Were great Days and he Was A great human being who affected everyone he came in touch. I am better off for having known him. Condolences to all his family and closest Friends
Hileriously funny ragbag. See ya mate.
[…] lot of people have been asking about Pat Pickett’s funeral so I thought I’d pass on the details here I received from Greg […]
Pat stories we all have a million, my fav .It was the early 80s ,Pat and I were touring with Mondo,s and had just finished a show and load out at the National Hotel in Fortitude Valley ,promoted as a back to school night the bar staff had dressed in school uniforms ,really was a good look, well as the two of us stood out the front by the truck “Jimmy Reeding” off our nuts and more than slightly intoxicated wondering which club we should grace our presence with next a slightly intoxicated and more than a little cute barmaid dressed in the mini skirted school uniform appeared next to us.I proceed to ask the young lady if there is a club she could suggest would suit our needs and would she care to join us on our adventure, as she slurred some directions to us and pointed further up the Valley with i think was her right hand ,Pat managed to lay his appendage in her left hand with what seemed to be an eternity but probably only a few seconds before she realised .A few stern words from her mouth and a rapid movement backwards followed, needless to say we did not have the pleasure of her company that night.
Miss you big fella ,this big rock and roll family has lost a much loved member i can promise you PP you will never be forgotten.
Ah Pat…… it’s all been said….. you leave another big sad hole in my world….john boy
Pat you will truly be missed. I thank you for helping me out when I first started, always following advice with an old time story just to make sure I wouldn’t forget…
Cheers Mate…
The Reels had the very great privilege of having Pat in our crew for many years, and he must have copped so much shit from his mates because of it! Words can’t convey what an amazing guy he was. You haven’t really toured until you you’ve toured with Pat Pickett. And as well as being one of the funniest people you could ever meet he was also one of the kindest and most generous.
And Troggie, Pat’s version of that story always ended with “…but she said ‘No thanks, I don’t smoke.'”.
Kick it in the guts, Pat.
Patrick Pickett’s family would like to thank his many friends for their generosity and their tributes that were posted on various sites, and those who attended his funeral, some from interstate and overseas.
To Tony Davies Chameleon Lighting
Graham Griffith Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
Narelle Levitt The Duke Hotel
The diligent Doc Neeson and his top hat
The heartfelt eulogies by Michael Lippold and Mark Evans
To Patrick’s close friends who treated us like their own, and donated their precious time and energy to organising a send off that truly celebrated the extraordinary life of Patrick Pickett,
Special thanks to:
Greg Clark
Aaron Chugg
Geoff McGowan
To Lorraine, Loz and Ally who looked after Patrick’s sister Pam, and collected Patrick’s belongings when Pam couldn’t.
I.ll miss ya Pat, particulary, The stories !
I,ll see you in roadie heaven one day
and watch ya language up there !
Bruce – ex chameleon – now Shoalhaven Ent centre
RIP Pat. A true gentleman with a rough exterior. Spent many fine nights with Pat on the road. The third of the finest to pass this year – Ross Hunter (Bullbar) and Rick Brattan are there to rock on with you.
Ahh, Pat…it was never a dull moment on the road with you mate! I remember him showing me how to adjust the Lexicon in the rack…He switched it off!! Haha!! A very funny man with a great sense of humour and a great bloke to boot RIP mate!
man! i found out 2 day that 2 of our muso’s passed! in my mind! a little voice said 2 me? it comes in 3’s! i didn;t understand! till i came across this page! 2 nite! no fuckin joke! I so remember pat! He allways treated me with respect! had many drinks with him! he fuckin was a cool soul! Pat was my friend in my eye’s! ROBIN STARK. FROM:” DAYTIME ACTORS ” 80s band. fuck!
Only just found out bout Pickett’s passing and am very sad, many belated condolences to his family.
Have known Pat since the late 60’s when he and my ex husband were running amok around Molinas etc. I was working at Thumpin Tum and they’d come in late to collect me , always pissed scarred but happy from whatever adventures they’d created. We house shared in Sydney, early 70’s. Always a funny bugger, Pat’s idea of a fun night was plenty of beer, a can of lighter gas and lighting up the cockroaches. He’d make me crazy by scuffling round in my room looking for my undies for some nefarious purpose. He could drive me nuts with his endless antics but let any other dude give me trouble and Pat soon let them know a list of gruesome outcomes awaiting them should they continue. He was my mate, I loved the guy. Can just see him shitcanning my ex, cos Pat outlived him, in the next world.
Its colder here now that I know you’ve gone Pat. XXX
Hey hey, no one told ME! omg, you know who I am don’t you. Bobbie King, ya know, used to get around in the little shorts .. screaming jets flasher .. etc. Last time I spoke to him he was a bit grumpy with the stuff going on in his life but well and Pat. My daughter interviewed him over the phone to do a biography for a school project, he got her plus a friend on the door for The Rogue Traders here in Perth, she was only 13 and it was one of the most exciting nights of her life she’ll never forget. I’m sure she’s still got that biography around somewhere I’ll have to ask her, she’s all grown up now.
I remember the FUNNIEST thing about it, there was a set of questions set out at the end of it by the teacher. One of them was “your best friend” and Pat answered (I didn’t know!): my right hand. SHE WROTE THAT. omg, the teacher must have cracked up something chronic, but gave it two ticks!!!
we go way back to the Catcher days. Angus said back then that you looked like “The red head match girl”. You have made the music industry so much more fun and colorful for all of us, as well as been of great service and value.
They just don’t make them like you any more.
Michael Browning
He was a good mate.
A friend mentioned Pat today and I thought I’d look him up . Very sad now.
I was doing FOH for Tommy Emmanuel & we were on tour in Perth. Pat turned up at the soundcheck. I introduced him to the bass player, a man of small stature. “Pat this is Rob.” Pat picked him up off his feet: “I hate bass players. Buy me a beer ya bastard!”
Lived with pat for a year in Camperdown. Biggest POS (as Pat would put it) I ever met. Funniest Man I ever met.
Oh man. Must be nearly thirty years since I left the industry, another life. I was just reading Jeff Apter’s new book on Malcolm Young, and there is a familiar name on page 78 amongst the mob in Landsdowne Road. So I looked you up and ended up here.
Pat, you always lifted my spirits. Boardies and singlet, yeah, you introduced me to Melbourne Bitter. I climbed out three years ago ha! Very sad to learn I won’t see you FOH anywhere soon. You nailed it mate.
Rip Pat you will be missed by all
Pat roadied for us, the Shades, for quite a while with the redoubtable Cookie. I perform the dance of the Flaming Arsehole in his honour periodically.
I remember one shitty little gig we did out in the bush. We stayed in the pub overnight.
Next morning Pat loaded my guitar in the truck without its case. As we were putting the rest of the gear in the truck Pat started to load the guitar case. It was full of grog he had nicked from behind the bar. The owner nabbed him. Pat just shrugged his shoulders and said ‘you can’t blame a bloke for trying”.
On our way to the next shitty gig he started reading me his poetry.
He was one out of the box. I think of him often. Especially how generous he was with his praise of an unknown little band.
On o
[…] at many gigs over the years but especially in the early days. Sadly, the last time I saw him was at Pat Pickett’s funeral where, despite his own grief, he was running around helping to organise things and working […]