Rare Cold Chisel Photos

Cold Chisel was one of my all time favorite live bands. They simply shone on stage. I had the opportunity to see them many times both in large stadium concerts and a few times in very intimate venues. One of the best was an impromptu show they held on the outside of a pub in Moss Vale, NSW. Near as I can figure it was in January 1983 although I’m hoping a knowledgeable commenter may be able to narrow that down to a specific date.
Thanks to Damian in comments this gig has been tracked down to the 5th of February 1983.
I got a call one day out of the blue from my friend Wolfgang who’d heard there was going to be a fund-raising show at Moss Vale by Cold Chisel. I took the essential items being a bottle of vodka and a camera. I managed to push my way right to the front of the stage and these shots are the result.
The astute amongst you will notice that it’s not Steve Prestwich on drums. He was apparently sick that day and his place was taken by ex Daddy Cool drummer, Gary Young. You will also find John Swan standing side stage. At the end of the show I managed to talk my way backstage but unfortunately the bottle of vodka had well and truly kicked in by then so all I did was dribble in peoples ear. I distinctly remember collaring poor Ian Moss for about 10 minutes and I don’t think I said a sensible word. Oh well!
I’d really like some help identifying the roadcrew in these shots too. If anyone can be of help just leave a comment.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aus Music History. Aus Music History said: Update: Rare Cold Chisel Photo’s – Cold Chisel was one of my all time favorite live bands. They simply shone on sta… http://ow.ly/17lkRr […]
Hi There,
Wow – great photos!
There is a fantastic Book on Cold Chisel by Michael Lawrence called Showtime, which was released circa 1998. The book documents the band from 1973 and has an extensive list of their gigs. If you manage to track down a copy on e-bay then I highly recommend grabbing one
The book states that they played the Mona Vale on February 5 1983 so I’m guessing that’s the date these photos were taken.
Hope that helps.
Sorry, I mean Moss Vale, not Mona Vale..
Thanks so much Damian, I checked and it does seem that this was 5th Feb 1983 as you say.
Thanks again, Mark
Hi Mark, This was a great day! Brings back good memories 🙂
Hey Mark. I think I recognise myself in one of your photos. One of Ian Moss shredding up the neck. I think I’m the kid in the checked shirt behind the roadie in the red shirt. It’s a bit hard to tell but was wondering if you had any others and whether you’d give me permission to use the photo in an auto biographical film I’m thinking of making.
Steve was actually sacked from the band following disagreements on the 1982 tour of Europe.
Ray Arnott eventually became a replacement until they announced they were disbanding sometime in mid 83. Steve was subsequently brought back for the Last Stand shows, and other Chisel reunions.
Hi David, I was actually told pretty much the same story by Ian Moss that day but I have no real evidence of it so I sort of “left it out”.
As I said, I drank close to a bottle of Vodka that day so I wasn’t going to take a chance on my dodgy memory. 🙂
Thanks for clearing it up.
I only know of it because Jimmy Barnes talked about it in an interview. Might have been some sort of documentary. I can’t recall, and I can’t blame Vodka!
However, the band during the late 82 tour of Europe felt they were underperforming….and shock, horror for Chisel, they felt they were playing out of ‘time’. According to Jim, they thought the cause was Steve, and Steve thought it was them.
Anyway, Jim wrapped up his comments by saying that in reflection, Steve was probably the first to know that Chisel had peaked, and perhaps the playing of all the band reflected that. Its ironic that when the band quit in 83 they left with the fans wanting more, and since their occasional reunions of late have had the same effect, you can get a sense of how important of every single member was to Cold Chisel – I really felt that acutely with Steve’s tragic recent passing.
I recognise Harry Parsons (Cold Chisel roadie, the JB roadie) and (I think) Gerry on either side of John Swan in one photo.Georgettis
Also, Gary Young was filling in as Steve had back surgery- the show was probably a warmup/rehearsal for Gary. Steve was not sacked until later in the year- he and the band played superbly on the ’82 European Tour, as seen on the Rockpalast DVD.
Yes, you are right, my error. It was when they went back in May 83 that the shit hit the fan.
great photos
I was doing some part time work in the early 80’s delivering telephone books and walked up a stair case somewhere near centre point/market st in Sydney CBD
It was the recording company headquarters and everyone was out to lunch and as I left the bundle of books there I saw a huge photo shoot backdrop To this day I havent been able to find it online but it was cold chisel with a brick wall effect if I remember
Anyway I saw lots of gold records on the walls and left the books around the place
So here I am running down the stairs in shorts and a singlet with a few telephone books and I literally stumbled into a group of guys who were very heavy looking in lots of leather
I only realised later it was Chisel
I contacted Steve Prestwich many years later as he was the major influence in my drumming style
Steve afforded me time to discuss snare drums and Ill never forget he said (when I was asking him about shells, skins etc) “its all in the hitting”
I was at this concert and have almost the exact same photo’s. The concert was held at the Briar’s Inn which is located half way between the NSW Southern Highlands towns of Moss Vale and Bowral. Jimmy actually lived in Bowral at that time. The concert was in aid of the Cockatoo (Vic) Ash Wednesday Bushfires and they didn’t occur until 16th Feb 1983 so the concert was held after that…..about 22nd March I think. I have a couple of shots of Swannee up singing with Jim.
Wow, great to hear from you Mel. It was an awesome day, one I’ll never forget. 🙂
I have enjoyed reading these recollection of Cold Chisel at the Briars but I think you will find that the date they played was the 5th of March 1983. It was the same day as the federal election which Bob Hawke was elected Prime Minister.
I was there at this gig too and in one of Mark’s photos I think I’m sitting up the front. I remember trying to get to the front. I was a Bowral local and having Cold Chisel playing at the local pub was incredible. All my mates were playing cricket so they missed out on most of it so it was definitely a Saturday. It would be great to see your photos as well Mel and see if I’m in any of those.
Michael Long was a guitar technician for Chisel back at that gig. Red shirt near Mossy.
does anybody remember seeing cold chisel at the civic hall in cabramatta on a sunday night as a warm up gig to a national tour, I think the year could have been 1979 1980 at best , lets go anybody remember ?
I absolutely love these photos so thank you for sharing. Unfortunately I never saw cold chisel live but I’m a massive fan and collector of Australian music
I agree, it was on election day, 5th March 1983. I remember Barnesie stopped mid song to go ballistic when somebody put a shoe into the donation bucket getting passed around.
We were there too, drove up from Wollongong. We herd it was a warm up before the Circus Animals tour. I got some good photos too.