Stevie Wright

I was blown away last night to see Stevie Wright on This Is Your Life. During the late Eighties I worked for a while as Stevies live sound engineer, alongside my brother Brett on monitors and My Pal Brian ™ on lights, and I have wonderful memories of some great gigs as well as some downright strange ones.
He was (I think) still on the needle in those days and was very definitley on the turps in a big way and was quite a handful. Even so, he was still very much a household name and drew decent crowds. The band, Hard Road, consisted of Peter Northcote (sax, keys, guitar), Bruno Renzella (guitar), Vic Young (bass) and Paul DeMarco (drums) and one or two others who slip my mind.
They were outstanding in both musical ability and counselling skills. It was a major effort sometimes just to get Stevie onto the stage in a reasonable condition to perform and the guys showed endless patience(usually!).
The guys started picking him up quite early in the day to get him to the gig before he got too blind. They would then keep him occupied and soberish backstage until show time. This worked for a while until the cunning bugger figured that he could just get the crowd to buy his drinks. “Who’s gunna buy Stevie a Southern Comfort then?” would be the cry. Half a dozen punters would then head to the bar and buy him drinks. The look on the faces of the band was simply priceless. What can you do to help someone who is determined to trash themselves?
Poor old Stevie didn’t have much of a voice left by this stage and it became increasingly difficult to get his voice to sit in the mix at a decent level. Brett had the worst of it as he looked after on-stage sound which was…loud! One night Stevie was having particular trouble hearing himself in the monitors so he decided he would kick them off the front of the stage, as you do. Classic rock ‘n roll tantrum! Anyway, being the professional he is, Brett wanders out from side stage nonchalantly and puts the speakers back on stage. Well, Stevie manages to kick them off again at which point Brett decides to unplug them & remove them. Picture the scene… Band wailing, punters dancing, singer fuming and Brett standing at the front of the stage giving Stevie a right bollocking. Common sense eventually prevailed and the rest of the show went well. During the packup I noticed out of the corner of my eye that one of the band members had Brett bailed up side stage and seemed to be giving him a gobfull. Thinking there could be ill feeling about the incident, I wandered a bit closer just in case and managed to hear words to the effect of: “Why didn’t you hit the bastard? If that had been my gear he kicked, I’d have floored him!” Brett explained that it wouldn’t look good on his resume that he had knocked out Stevie Wright.
One day I’ll tell you about the Stevie gig where I had to leave the mixing desk to punch on with some of the crowd! I’ve still got the scar where my tooth went through my mouth just below my bottom lip. I’ll bet the other bloke’s still peeing blood though!
Thanks for the fun times and classic memories Stevie. Stay straight. I hope you find the peace you are looking for.
I remember supporting Stevie one night down in the old Lucy’s Tavern (this was when Lucy’s was in Pitt St, before it moved to Castlereagh St) some time in the late 1980’s. (You weren’t doing his sound then, Mark, Russell Grigg was his sound guy). We got to the gig and Stevie’s band’s gear was already set up on the tiny stage, and I was using one of those big Fender Bassman rigs at the time, so Russell told me it would be OK to use Stevie’s bass rig. It was probably the best bass sound I ever had onstage! Anyway, that’s beside the point really. I just wanted to mention that when Stevie came onstage he was absolutely MINDBLOWING! Seriously! This was one of the best gigs I have ever seen. His band was absolutely smoking, and Stevie, once he hits the stage, just seems to have boundless reserves of energy that, if you had seen him half an hour before, you would not believe he had! Like you mentioned mate, his band had their hands full just getting him onstage still in a functioning state most nights! But with Stevie, when the magic happens, it REALLY happens!
That gig was back when Vic Young(Absolute gentleman) played 2nd guitar, Bruno played Lead, and Phil played Bass, Phil was ex Angie Bowie Band bass player(which would explain his bass rig that you used) from the UK, when Phil became musically demoralised by the antics of Stevie he went back to the UK.
the amazing stevie wright ,,,,,,,,,
such a sad waste of immense talent
the temptations of drugs and booze are to hard to resist for some
thankyou for your past magic stevie
you will always be australian rock royalty !!!!!!!!!!
I too think Stevie Wright is an amazing talent, the comments I have read about ‘drugs and booze’ destroying people, prompts me to say that, as a worker with people in recovery, the drug treatment programs can be as bad as the drugs themselves, particularly methadone, which strips people of any health they may have left. I am really annoyed when people speak of those with drug and alcohol addictions as if they are heroes if they function normally to get up and ‘entertain’ everybody. They are heroes simply to have survived a system that drugs people into compliance with methadone and other script drugs so to minimize their addictions on the rest of us in society. Stevie Wright has survived a ‘system’ as well as an addiction.
Well said; The “system” for recovering addicts, alcohol or other drugs, is as bad if not worse than the actual individuals problem! I hope people don’t judge Stevie, he was a troubled soul, as are most who end up with an addiction. Yet he still managed to entertain us; I for one will never forget him and the joy he brought me as teenager and beyond. R.I.P STEVIE WRIGHT, may you now truly have the peace you were searching for; thanks for the memories. In fact my grandaughter’s name is EVIE! You touched more than one generation, and your music lives on. Love ya’ Stevie xx
Very sad to hear Methadone is so bad & finishes addicts off im glad you shared this as I didn’t know this .Thankyou
[…] abuse that saw him treated in the notorious Chelmsford Private Hospital, the same place where Stevie Wright & many others were abused and experimented on. Whilst he sold many records he wasn’t the […]
[…] Dec 1948 – Stevie Wright – The Easybeats – Born Stephen Carlton Wright in Leeds, […]
Havent seen him for a while and Stevie had his personal problems but he was a great guy and loved life,his personality reminded me so much of Bon, Stevie was a good friend to have, and lots of fun, did a song now and again with him at gigs here and there, I remember getting Stevie to a gig at The Villawood Hotel just before time to go on, we’d been out on my ( and Jackie Woodwards)(also known as Willow) boat all day on Botany Bay drinking Southern Comfort,no drugs involved and for a period of time I helped Steve to absolve from his habit, probably because we did stuff took his mind from those things, we even did a Capt. Cook landing at the real spot for a laugh, Stevie fell off the boat and nearly broke his leg,the support band were Overload, who were looking for a singer, Stevie came back to the band room and said they were looking for a new singer and it should be me, I ended up joining them and we were soon referred to as Sydney Rock n Roll Outlaws by a coupla journo’s,anyway that night at Stevies gig I rubbed Paul Demarco, Stevies drummer up the wrong way because Steve and I were sloshed, Stevie warned me to back off regained conscessness to the knowledge that Paul was Boxer, where ever you are Steve, be happy. “Nielo”.
Just to add to the previous comments of mine relating to Stevie, The Stevie Wright story was showing at IPAC Wollongong NSW featuring Scott Mcrea as Stevie and I was told Stevie was appearing,my self and Steph my partner rocked up to find all booked out and we couldnt get in,just as Stevie and Fay turned up in a taxi behind me, alll of a sudden I hear, “Hey Nielo your comin’ in with me,” we covered old times and closed a big gap that night, did a few photo’s and a video, dropped Steve and fay off at the motel in the Pajero and have occasionally kept up, I am glad it happened because we are all finding in this industry that too late is a common occurrence, it’s better to have good memories without scars. PS. Mark, still have to get a whole load of stuff to you for this archive.
PS. Steve, your Talent will go down in history as immeasurable.”Nielo”.
Hmmm, I remember him v well indeed. I remember Bruno Renzella and I carrying him up the stairs after he fell down the drainpipe 25 ft or so trying to get into his 1st floor flat,(in Balmain) he had lost the keys or something. He totally shattered his leg, a dreadful mess.It was 3am and he was coming back from some photo shoot I think, in snakeskin boots or some such thing. I remember hearing him yell my name over and over until I woke up so I could help him.I lived in the flat underneath. I remember him at Christmas dinner, when he didnt have anywhere else to go, on the list goes. I remember watching him play cricket in the backyard with my son and then putting up with the v bitchy gossip from some ‘groupie’ hangers on. Stevie was/is very intelligent but generally quite of lot of ‘brain sizzling’ had occurred (and at times he seemed the exact opposite of intelligent as he would listen to crap that some people told him about occult/religious issues)and he was/is a master of the manipulative art.In his good moments he could discuss any subject with wisdom and sparkling intellect and he could at times be fun, when he wasnt demanding things non stop. He has a good heart, but used to be quite paranoid at times, brought on by huge amts of assorted drugs and booze, (yes the Southern comfort). He would wake in mornings and first thing reach for the ‘comfort’ by the bed. Awesome in its ghastliness. My memories are those of a non muso around musos so its a totally different viewpoint.I was so glad to get away from that whole scene in balmain 22 odd years ago, it had toxic elements. And the son is now a uni tutor amongst other things. Roll on Stevie
Hi Ingrid, was Josh Smith around night?
Well well, Ingrid the Legend !,
hi neil had good times with stevie i was the lead guitar player for overload all i remember was lots of drugs and southern comfort cheers dean martin !
Hey Dean, Remember the night we all went to Didi’s on home made Rocket Fuels.
hi niel craig the bass player here. had some great times didn’t we
did a few tours with Stevie late 80,s and remember guitarist Glenn Goldsmith in a dressing room somewhere in QLD asking Stevie ‘what lyrics are you singing at beginning of Evie..sounds like Got my money in my pocket……cock is in my hand..?” Stevie smiled and said CARKEYS Glenn FUCKING CARKEYS…..they were fun days…
The first album I ever won (radio competition) was Hard Road, Stevie Wright, 1974. Played those tracks over and over. Evie might have been the major hit, the rest of the album was superb, great production.
Years later I played support act on Stevie’s first early 80’s comeback show. It would be one of his many “comeback” shows. Dressed in the white suit/vest, to say he killed it that show – understatement. Magic. It’s the show I’ll always remember.
As the years rolled on from that magic night, I played support to another 14 shows. Stevie’s performances getting progressively worse than previous shows. From the white suit and well rehearsed show… to disaster. His touring bands carried him and if they were average singers, forget it, nothing would help his failing voice.
He’d quickly spent the money from the 1986 Easybeats Reunion and was touring constantly. The venue would book him every few months as he was taking any show – cheap – to feed his habit. The broken leg tour – at the show I was at – he managed the first set and second set, sitting on a bar stool – only to disappear from the stage half way through second the set… at the bar, ordering a drink. The band played on. Audience started to leave.
Paranoia? An afternoon prior 1988 New Year Eve gig, venue manager called security, Stevie was screaming, “Close the gates, the squelchers are coming!” He calmed down by showtime. After the gig, he was wasted, could barely walk. No woman would go near him, he kept trying, sad, pitiful, then collapsed from whatever he had ingested. 1100km, 14 hour road trip back to Sydney as next night was the Australia Live, a Ch.9 television special, to open Australia’s Bicentennial celebrations. My girlfriend and I watched in total amazement… there was Stevie, standing and riding in the back of a “cadillac” singing, looking fresh, alive, on cue, didn’t miss a beat.
At later gigs, by this time, less than 50 ppl started showing up, they’d been burnt by previous shows where Stevie was so wasted he could barely sing. One night, he barely finished the second set – one of the security personnel helped him off the stage. Unshaven, unshowered, unwashed clothes, looking unhealthy – the worst I’d seen him (so far!). Two days later, I’m watching Clive Robertson’s Ch.9 Late Night News Show, “Robbo’s World Tonight” and there was Stevie Wright being interviewed. He was clean shaven, hair styled, clean leather jacket, pressed shirt…and for 20 minutes… one of the most articulate, intelligent interviews I had ever seen Stevie do. Unbelievable. Coincidentally, the security personal had also seen the interview…and couldn’t believe the transformation!
By 1993, I was part owner of a record company based in Sydney. We used to liaise with Alberts (Stevie’s former label) on projects. Alberts office staff complained to management, they were tired of Stevie’s frequent visits to the office demanding royalty payments that had previously been paid… for me, this was the lowest I’d ever seen him… teeth bad, skinny, hair unwashed, could barely walk or talk. Sad. Sad. Sad.
That night in the early-eighties will remain with me forever! What a show!!
If only he had control of his life, who knows what other gems the world missed out on.
I joined Stevie Wright as his keyboard player when we toured the Hard Road album. It was by chance really. Being a piano tuner I was called out to tune the piano of a Mr. Young at Epping. I knocked on the door and it was George Young. So I tuned George’s upright then played for him when he said Stevie is looking for a keyboard player. A couple of days later Malcolm Young picked me and my keyboards up from Bondi Rd in a Bongo Van and took me over to the old Manly Theatre where we rehearsed. Stephen Housden on guitar, Malcolm Wakeford on drums, Billy Ryland on bass, Larry Duryea on percussion and me on keys. It was a memorable tour to Melbourne, I think Gunther was one of our roadies and a guy called Shane who had a transit van. In those days I have a Hammond, Leslie, Wurlitzer piano, Moog Synthesiser and a Melletron. I can’t remember it all but I got a lift back to Sydney in the back of a mini minor. From Stevie I joined 2 line ups of Blackfeather, then Doug Parkinson, Marcia Hines, Band of Light, Leo De Castro etc. Fond memories, this is a great site guys, thanks, Ray Vanderby
We have a great tour lined up to celebrate Stevies life and the 50th Anniversary of The Easybeats, love to see all the fans of those great days at a show. for details and dates
I’m an old friend of Bruno Renzella when he was in U.S. With Heaven. I’ve tried finding him over the years to no avail. Can anyone help ???
Regarding Julie Brown’s comment about Bruno, I am informed, both by Paul ‘Dougie’ Demarco and Vic Young, who worked in Hard Rain with us, that Bruno returned to Adelaide to live near, or with his folks and son, and had become schizophrenic, or, bi polar, as they also term this affliction. I cannot confirm this, personally, but given the source of the news, I can’t imagine it to be false, although I sincerely wish it were, as to my way of thinking, Bruno was certainly one of the best natural guitar players and singers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Carlton
Thank you so much Carlton ! I’m so sad to hear of this as he was an awesome guy and good friend. We just lost contact as I moved to the UK. I did ask Alan Fryer before his passing (rip) and he had no clue where he was. Do you think maybe you could possibly get any contact info for him. I know he would be happy to hear from me. Once again, thank you !
I’ve found him and had a real good 2 hour chat with him last night. You’re right he hasn’t been well, but I could hear the old Bruno there!!! 🙂
That’s awesome, Julie. Sorry to have been slow to respond. Busy with gigs and other work this week. Glad to hear you’ve tracked him down. If you speak to him, please convey my regards, it’s been way too long since we’ve spoken.
[…] Dec 1948 – Stevie Wright – The Easybeats – Born Stephen Carlton Wright in Leeds, […]
Our last final tributes to the ultimate frontman will be this year sadly…this business just sucks you dry!!
Come out and see the show The Enmore Theatre August 20th
[…] abuse that saw him treated in the notorious Chelmsford Private Hospital, the same place where Stevie Wright & many others were abused and experimented on. Whilst he sold many records he wasn’t the […]
Hi there I hope you like this . In the early 1980s I moved to Morwell Vic , in the Latrobe Valley . There are a few venues there but the best – by far then – was a place called The Astrodome in nearby Traralgon . Had an elevated stage , great lights set up and it was great . Also took
A great number of patrons .
I worked in Morwell but had my
Licence now so I could drive . In the 60s my
Elder sister Cheryl commented that she couldn’t think of one kid at school who didn’t like Tbe Easys , -and Stevie had certainly proven himself with his solo albums and not to mention Concert Of The Decade . Pretty sure Bongo Starr claimed that as the performance of the day .
Elsewhere – a good friend of mine was an audio engineer . But she was in Melb . I just went along – it was explosive . -Absolutely impeccable .
Stevie relished it and the audience – lapped it up . Stevie singing , jumping , dancing , backward somersault and landing in the splits – directly in front of the drum kit . … I have seen a lot of acts but nobody else did that . The more the audience gave – The more the audience gave – the more enthused he was . It was meticulous perfection . No wonder my sister had thought he was a legend . Shortly after I rang my friend – Chris – and she was stunned – she had worked in Canberra with him but the show had not gone like that . As soon as Easybeats gig was announced I bought some tickets . It was to be recorded – it was good but with respect – Stevie Wright and The Streetbeat Band had really set the bar . That night in Traralgon I spoke to Stevie and the band – all down to earth . I remember John Watson ( Aus Crawl ) was the drummer . I had got an autographed poster and when I left Melb put it temp
In storage at my sisters .Unfortunately someone put it in the shed where the snails dined 🙁 . Oh well
– I still think that night was a gig to rival The Angels . That’s no phrase to throw lightly . He rocked . Rest In Peace Stevie . PS If Stevie wife remembers meeting a guy at a market and shutting him up – politely but quickly – condomences . That was me . Same to you Mark . Peter
Had the mis fortune of trying to mix Stevie at the Manly Hotel in the 80’s.
I couldn’t get his voice out in the mix and he started abusing me over the microphone .
I stormed onto the stage and spoke into his microphone … The volume has blasting , the guy just had no voice left .the band told me to relax , your dealing with a junky.
I worked for a short time with Stevie at the House of Merivale I should say that I worked and Stevie charmed the customers and he really knew how to charm an audience. yes I saw Stevie at his best and worst but what an amazing little ball of fun he was. I guess I prefer to remember him that way and all that he gave to us.
Well said, Diana.
Worked with Stevie many times from ’75 till ’90.
Your words express my sentiments precisely.
Carlton, I met Stevie briefly, nothing to do with the music industry. At the time, he was sober, and was taking a great interest in religion (again). I can’t remember his partner’s name, but she worked for an ethical Swiss based insurance company at the time. Does that ring any bells?
i also knew stevie through a friend i think he worked at merivale in 1970’s can you tell me if that is right. also knew a musician called mick gibbons from the blue beats around late 1960’s to 70’s and dont know what happened to him anyone knows send an email. but above all i loved stevie he was naughty but beautiful
In 1986 I played guitar with Stevie on his ‘Victory Tour’. Also in the band were Bob Kowalski on bass , Garth Porter on keys, John Lalor on drums.
Nobody ever talks about this lineup. I was shafted, underhandedly, by Glen Goldsmith who became Stevie’s ‘buddy’ and before they could sack me I called the manager and quit. Garth was pretty disgusted by the way it was handled. He called me up and told me about it.
Just another rocknroll story, I guess.
Remember seeing him at the concert of the decade on the opera house steps he did the best version of Evie ever great memories
What happened to stevie wright after his retirement in the year 2009 and what happened to him in the Chelmsford private hospital? did that change his personality to start fires